Pressure Equipment
Prefabrication and installation of piping.
For many years MONTAVAR Metalna Lola has been successfully performing prefabrication and installation of pipelines and other pressure equipment for the domestic and foreign markets.
Welded Structures
Support structures.
Welded structures make the important part of our production program. MONTAVAR Metalna Lola is highly positioned on the domestic and European market owing to the production quality of its structures. This is evidenced by many successful projects implemented mainly for the West European clients.
Machining Services
Production of the machine equipment and spare parts.
MONTAVAR Metalna Lola provides services in design and production of the machine equipment and spare parts for mining, refineries, chemical industries, hydro and thermal power plants.
Welding School
Instructors are experienced welders
Company’s management has been always committed to make this school work with full capacity. At the very beginning creation of quality welders was recognized as a necessary prerequisite for quality welding production.